Archive: visible Components depending on InstType

visible Components depending on InstType's going on... I'm learning :D

well - I've another boring question ;) :

I Have 3 Install types with very different Sections
so I want to show only the Sections of the chosen InstType
like this:

Type 1
full Software
(Server database used)

Type 2
(Server database used)

Type 3
full Software
own Database

It should appear like this^^
but I don't know how to :(

maybe I'm still to silly to find it in the Manual...


so long -L-B-

You can't hide components when the components page is already shown. If you want to not let the user select some sections, you can make them read-only (SectionIn RO).

is there any other way to let the user choose an Installtype and then show only the components included?

Well, you can create a custom page for either one. A custom page for selecting the install type or a custom page for showing the selected sections. You can also create one custom page for both using the new NOTIFY code in InstallOptions. Create 3 radio buttons, use the NOTIFY flag for all and change the text on some other control in the page according to the NOTIFY code. See Contrib\InstallOptions\testnotify.nsi for an example.

You can create a custom InstallOptions page with either 3 radio buttons, one for each install or even a drop-down combobox which will allow the user to chose the install type. Then just display the custom page before the component page and then disable/hide the required sections.


further question
Ok, I think I've got it... step by step but with a real success... thats great!

Well I need to know, how I can choose the Sections with the Script...

I've built an IO Page with 3 RadioButtons, and give their value to a variable, because I show an info depending on this "Install Type". It looks fine and works good, but there is no real important function because I need to choose the Sections with this RadioButtons...

k thats it...bad english, I hope you anderstand

so long -L-B-

ok, i'll explain in german, it's easier for me and you:

definier als erstes ne leave-function für deine custom-page oder ne pre-function für deine componentspage.

Page custom prefunction leavefunction
Function leavefunction


in der liest du dann die installoptions.ini deiner custompage aus und setzt die entsprechenden section-flags. wenn eine section unsichtbar sein soll, ändere ihren namen mit sectionsettext auf "".

another Idea
Well I have an Idea... I don't know if NSIS is able to handle it...

What about writing the stuff I want to Install into a ini or txt file - just like:

SetOutPath $INSTDIR\Folder1

File "C:\File 1.dat"
File "C:\File 2.mpg"
File "C:\File 3.exe"

then I write a second file like

File "C:\File 4.dat"
File "C:\File 5.dat"
File "C:\File 6.exe"

depending on the selection I use one of this txt/ini files
as a section or in the section

maybe this Idea is useless... this would be exactly what I need... maybe someone can help me

Hmm... I am not sure I understand. If it's depending on the section, why not just put it in the section? The section code will not be executed if the section is not selected.

Section 1
File "C:\File 1.dat"
File "C:\File 2.mpg"
File "C:\File 3.exe"

Section 2
File "C:\File 4.dat"
File "C:\File 5.dat"
File "C:\File 6.exe"

you're right
yes thats the normal way... but I didn't really understand how to set the section flags... I've read the examples, but anyway I didn't understand... well I haven't the time to learn it consequent... not in the moment... sad but true

It's just one line:

!insert UnselectSection ${sectionIndexId}