Archive: Install Information

Install Information
Yeah I'm learning, The more you try the more you get I think... thats really nice with NSIS...

well - I've built a custom Dialog which has to show choosen settings, the install directory and stuff like that... but there's a small problem:

I successfully used this script to show the targetdir:
!define USERINF "Directory:\r\n\r\n $INSTDIR"
!insertmacro MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_WRITE "ioA.ini" "Field 2" "State" "${USERINF}"

but instead a line like this: C:\Program Files\Test
it looks like this: C:Program FilesTest

yeah I know why...
(I've done a little bit in C++ some weeks ago)
...but I don't know how to fix it

any Idea?

so long -L-B-

The InstallOptions readme provides functions that help you convert to the proper string. See the `Get the input' section in the readme.

Well I tried to work this out (thx Vytautas an kichik :))and I think Ive got the right way - but I've still problems... I don't know how to proceed... so I'll attach the Script

here's the Error log:

Call "Nsis2Io"
Usage: Pop $(user_var: output)
Error in script "C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\turhan\Desktop\NSIS-Ä21\Ä21_test.nsi" on line 178 -- aborting creation process

I tried to change this line but there isn't too much to change...

so long -L-B-

Very funny...watched the Preview and lost the File...*argh*

well now I'll attach it


You hanve't defined PATH as anything so it can't work. You need to define PATH as a variable or just use a variable. For example:

Pop $0
!insertmacro MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_WRITE "user.ini" "Field 2" "State" "... $0"
If you want to use the variable you've declared, use $PATH, not ${PATH}.

...thanks now it works! :D

Sorry for my questions about every little thing...

...every beginning is hard *think*

thx for ya help

so long -L-B-