Archive: clipboard-watcher ?

clipboard-watcher ?
Is it possible to create with actual coding to write a clipboard watcher which stays resident in tray?

i am not sure - routines for the clipboard are existant - but how about cpu load while waiting?

just a kidding idea cause someone wrote a tool which copies the clipboard content into a file started with a click on a shortcut...

i know - this is not a typical use for nsis but interessting.


Using SetClipboardViewer will be a lot easier than polling the clipboard for data and comparing against the last value every couple of seconds. But it would probably be harder to implement using an NSIS script because you need to respond to a message.

hi ktchik

>> SetClipboardViewer

I diddnt found it yet in the docs - it is not implemented i suppose?

I found this info @MS (link

Adding a Window to the Clipboard Viewer Chain

A window adds itself to the clipboard viewer chain by calling the SetClipboardViewer function. The return value is the handle to the next window in the chain. A window must keep track of this value for example, by saving it in a static variable named hwndNextViewer.

The following example adds a window to the clipboard viewer chain in response to the WM_CREATE message.


// Add the window to the clipboard viewer chain.

hwndNextViewer = SetClipboardViewer(hwnd);

So it might only be possible with an extern dll (which needs to be coded !?

Yes, I meant the Win32 API function. You can probably make it work from the NSIS script using the System plug-in, but it would be easier to write a plug-in.

>> using the System plug-in

OMG i never used this before ;)

if i have lots of time i will have a look at it.

if someone has this time a is willing to code it - thx :D

it was just an idea...