Archive: LogicLib.nsi example fails to compile on Win98SE

LogicLib.nsi example fails to compile on Win98SE
When I try to compile the LogicLib.nsi example script on my Win98SE system it fails with a "file not found" error:

!include: could not find: "C:\TEMP\202.7.tmp"
Error in macro _EndSwitch on macroline 9
Error in script "C:\Program Files\NSIS\Examples\LogicLib.nsi" on line 210 -- aborting creation process

Strange, still working OK for me (Win2000). :( I don't have access to a Win98 machine right now (I should be able to at work tomorrow though). In the meantime could you please[list=1][*]Edit LogicLib.nsi un-commenting the two lines at the top defining LOGICLIB_VERBOSITY:

!define LOGICLIB_VERBOSITY 4 ; For debugging - watch what logiclib does with your code!
[*]Compile the example again[*]Attach a copy of the output here[/list=1] and hopefully I'll be able to tell what's going wrong. Could you also confirm for me that[list=1][*]The folder "C:\TEMP" does exist[*]The file "C:\TEMP\202.7.tmp" does not exist[/list=1] Thanks.


A. The report you requested is attached.

B. Folder C:\TEMP exists

C: File C:\TEMP\202.7.tmp does not exist.

Ah, OK thanks, I think I know the cause. Could you try again using this LogicLib.nsh please (placed in the Include folder).

Thanks for the report.


The revised LogicLib.nsh worked. The example compiled and all of the tests seemed to pass.

Thanks for the quick solution.

Good. :) It turned out to be an inconsistency between on Win9x and cmd.exe on NT/2000/XP.

FYI: the temporary file is used by LogicLib to keep track of case labels within a switch statement.

Thanks again for pointing the problem out!
