Archive: Multiple programs, similar installers

Multiple programs, similar installers
Have some trouble wrapping my mind around these installs.

I have 240+ products, and all of them use a similar installer .nsi script. When I test installing more than one on a machine, there are a few problems. The biggest problem is that uninstalling one affects the other.

As well, after installing the first program, the default installation location for every install after defaults to the first.

I suspect that it could be due to a shared registry value, but I'm having trouble pinpointing it.

Has anyone had similar problems? Care to share ideas or solutions?



This setting doesn't seem to be correct:

!define PRODUCT_DIR_REGKEY "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\makensis.exe"

Interesting... that's what HM NIS Edit suggested.

What would be a common format for that line?
What's wrong with it?


That define is used as the location where NSIS stores the program path for future reference, e.g. when reinstalling/uninstalling the program.

Therefore you should set a different value for each program, e.g. change makesis.exe to the name of you application.

You could also cahnge the 'App Paths' to the name of your company or you can even specify any registry path you wish.

Vytautas ;)

Thanks Vytautas!
