Archive: plugin resource build workaround

plugin resource build workaround
several of the plugins in their resource file (*.rc) include afxres.h which (at least for my installations) does not exist or at least not in the default include path for MSVC 7 standard nor MinGW.
Locally I change

#include "afxres.h"


#ifndef _INC_WINDOWS
#define _INC_WINDOWS
#include <winresrc.h>

which seems to work for all my tested compilers. Would it be possible to do this in the NSIS cvs sources or is there other uses of afxres.h that I'm overlooking?



Can you submit the make file you use to compile NSIS with MinGW so we can update the current one?

I'll see about updating the generic makefiles included with NSIS and submitting them (the AbiWord one's used wouldn't be suitable as they require several other makefiles that setup various rules and platform defines) this weekend.