- NSIS Discussion
- Install Templates
Archive: Install Templates
24th December 2003 20:47 UTC
Install Templates
Please Note:
I do not certify these to be bug free, problem free or even work on your system. These scripts are designed to make it easier to work with NSIS and I and Humgun International OX are 100% unresponsable for any problems that occur from their usage.
Anyway, end that disclaimer mumbo jumbo :D
I've designed these for in-house use and have released them to the public. They are NSIS Scripts and DOS Batch Files which make installers based on a template. The installer detects the install directory automaticly and sets it to that of NSIS.
THere are three shortcuts created, in the NSIS\Contrib foler in the start menu.
Each of them are self explanitary.
Content in NSIS archive
Users of Windows 95/98/ME will need to rename Make.cmd and MkNew.cmd to Make.bat and MkNew.bat respectively.
If there are any bugs please reply here or e-mail me :)
The code does not currently come with an uninstaller, but one is planned for
Versioning system:
1 = Code base (If incremented code was fully re-written)
2 = Major Change (A large ammount of code has changed, addons\modifications will no longer work(
3 = Service Pack (Large upgrades to code)
4 = Build (Ammount of installer or software builds)
24th December 2003 20:49 UTC
Code for the installer
Note: This is not built by the template due to complications with the creation of the uninstaller. All code was copied and modified.
Joost Verburg
24th December 2003 21:08 UTC
SetOutPath "Contrib\HumgunTemplate"
You forgot to add $INSTDIR, the installation does not work.
Why not add your application to the NSIS Archive?
24th December 2003 21:09 UTC
Woops :-P
I'll fix that
Here comes ;-)
24th December 2003 21:11 UTC
Bug Fix: SetOutPath not correctly defined.
24th December 2003 21:12 UTC Script:
24th December 2003 21:14 UTC
Woops... Forgot to attach :eek:
24th December 2003 22:28 UTC
Service Pack 1 Released (1.0.SP1.1)
We have released Service Pack 1. Among other major setup changes, a bugfix was made to MkNew which now means that the installers build from Make. Before, a missing slash made them fail. :rolleyes:
Source included in installer.
Joost Verburg
24th December 2003 23:10 UTC
I don't really see the use of all these different files and batch files.
If you want to provide a few macros and header files that can help other people, why not make one or two header files with good comments and a few examples?
Why did you add all these batch files that only write a few commands to a file? Why not a normal .nsi example?
About the NSIS Archive page: Please don't create new folders etc. that don't belong there. Full installer examples should be posted in the 'Real World Installers' folder, other examples in the 'Examples' folder. Header files and function belong in the 'Useful functions' folder.
25th December 2003 07:40 UTC
Aah... OK, I was actualy thinking it made a sub-folder at the time, but i'm now thinking of moving it.
As for the batch files, they automaticly output the base from which you work from. The program is designed to save the time it takes to specify the full MUI and other definitions. A one time configure, file addition, specifying name and version and then your ready. I'm using this in house and find it useful.
As for the multiple files, they made things easier for me.