Archive: Section Default State

Section Default State
I want to be able to set the state of a section as default, like if I had a section that can possibly be installed, but HAS to be chosen to be installed, you could have something like 'state on'

does this kind of thing exist, or would you need to add it to the next version of NSIS?

Hello, if you're trying to make a component in the component section visible and required (meaning user cannot uncheck it). Simply add RO to SectionIn.

SectionIn RO ;(read only)

Good luck!

thats not the problem. sections, when you view them, are automatically checked. I want to keep sections from being checked automatically, which is to have their state as 0 (off) by default. It gets annoying cause I have some potentially dangerous operations that can be executed, and I don't need them executed unless the user absolutely wants them to be. I can't have any accidents.


Ok at the top of your script you should have something which looks like this...

InstType "Full Installation"
InstType "Minimal Installation"
InstType "etc"

Depending on the exact order depends on what sections will be effected.

SectionIn 1 means the section will be included in a full

SectionIn 2 means the section will be included in a minimal installation.

SectionIn 3 means the section will be included in a etc installation.

So under every section you can have something like a combination of numbers

SectionIn 1 3 < full and minimal installation
SectionIn 2 3 < minimal and etc installation
SectionIn 3 < etc installation...

These are all applied to Sections...

Section "helmdeeps" SEC_HELMSDEEP
SectionIn 2 ; only apply this to a minimal installation

Good luck!

i think, what u want to use is the '/o'-switch.
this code forces a section beeing unchecked by default:

Section /o "section1" sec1

thanks! that O thing is just what I need!

Yes this is how it works as a Example

;old Version -> ;Section "MySQL 4.0.17 (required)"
;to make it uncheckable -> ;SectionIn RO

;Working Unchecked State
;---This is what your looking for
Section /o "MySQL 4.0.17 (required)" sec1

;---End of This is what your looking for

Example of the Not checkable
Section "MySQL 4.0.17 (required)"
SectionIn RO


rainmanp7 ???
the last post before yours was at 26.11.2003 :)
this topic is ended for nearly 3 months.