Archive: one section q?

one section q?

first, happy new year to all nsis comunity !!!

i have a script with
1 subsection containing 2 sections. to select only one of them i used the one-section example. it works very fine. but how do i let the user to unselect the both of them ???
i need to let the user to select only 1 of them or none !!!


You'd need a different logic for this one. Instead of turning off the current selected section and checking if another was selected you'd need to turn off just the section that was last selected if both are selected.

thanks for responding.

how to do that ?

for selecting only one section is made with radio buttons logic.

any ideas ?

another question:

i use 2.0rc1. at the finish page i have a link. when the finish page apears the link is selected by default (is has square around it). how to make the default active the finish button ?


About the finish page link:

With the next release (candidate) the link will no longer receive the initial keyboard focus. If you can't wait that long, the nightly snapshot will contain this fix within, at the most, 24 hours.


thanks for replying.

i will download from cvs.

what about the other question ? with the one section ?

thanks again.

You need another logic such as:

If 1 is selected and 2 was selected before, unselect 2.
If 2 is selected and 1 was selected before, unselect 1.

That should do it, I think.

for example

thanks again !

i will try it tonight. i'm at work now, i'll tell you tomorow the result.

thank you for helping.



it worked! thanks very much.

a few more questions :

i am using the logiclib. i am using from it - if..else..endif. when i compile i get this warning :

"Variable "_LOGICLIB_TEMP" not referenced, wasting memory!"

i do not have that variable. its from logiclib. why it appears ? am i doing something the wrong way ?

in the uninstall components page i have "Space required: 0.0 KB" i think it should be something with a minus : "Space required: -123.0 KB".

i have a custom page made with install options. i have a checkbox and 3 radio buttons. how can i make the radio buttons to be enabled only when the checkbox is "checked" ?

PS: i am using "Development snapshot (Wed, 07 Jan 2004)"

thanks for helping !

1. A known issue, you can safely ignore it.

2. You can use AddSize with a negative size or even get the installed sections' sizes on install time and set it with a minus on uninstall time using SectionGetSize and SectionSetSize. You can also simply hide that field using FindWindow, GetDlgItem and ShowWindow.

3. See Contrib\InstallOptions\TestNotify.nsi for an example. In that examples it enables and disables a text field according to a check box but it disabling a radio doesn't require a change to the script (aside from the control id of course...).


I have the same problem exept I have a subsection with 6 sections:

- Sec1
- Sec2
- Sec3
- Sec4
- Sec5
- Sec6

Is there an easy way to create an macro like RadioButtons, that works like 'copy of one-section.nsi' that kichik posted? Otherwise the code is going to get VERY long with 6 sections...I think :p


I also need such code for 6 sections,who can give me.
