Archive: DirectX version detection plugin

DirectX version detection plugin
Hi folks,

I have made a NSIS plugin which detects the current DirectX version installed on the target system. It is based on exdll sample MS VC++ 6 project and includes code from Microsoft DirectX 9.0 SDK examples.

Are there any experienced NSIS folks interested in making suggestions, reviewing and improving code, and raising it to the production level? :D

Also is there anyone who could check if some of the Microsoft DX sample code can be incorporated into a publicly released plugin? :)

hey speedy,

Im not so experienced in NSIS, but I would test your plugin and tell you how it works and if there are any errors:D

so long -L-B-

OH! :(
You blow-up my code :rolleyes:
But also want to try you plugin.

RELEASE: directX version detection NSIS plugin 1.0
Here you go guys:

directx version detection NSIS plugin 1.0 archive

please give it a spin :D If anyone is interested, here is the short TO DO list:

* rewrite the ms source to the whole plugin coding style (coverting back from hungarian notation and MS weak coding style to sanity)
* write documentation

btw. take a look at the example.msi, that one contains a neat example of *installing* directX if version it is lower then a predefined value

cheers and have phun :cool: