Archive: Install Options

Install Options
I think this is a stupied question but i really don´t know how to do this....

i´ve made a Install Option page that contains a ListBox, i´ve already insert itens to list in the box. Now, when the user select a value and press next buton how i make that value the user select return in a global variable?

Use ReadIniStr / MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_READ to get information from the INI file.

Originally posted by Joost Verburg
Use ReadIniStr / MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_READ to get information from the INI file.
But how I read the entry selected by the user?

It's in the State field.

ReadINIStr didn't work for me !!!
i had to use MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_READ, to work with .ini files, used for installoptions. other .ini-files are working with normal commands.
maybe a bug.

No, that's not a bug. The Modern UI InstallOptions macros automatically use the temporary plug-ins folder, ReadINIStr does not.