Archive: Making NSIS Configure INI's and Other Files

Making NSIS Configure INI's and Other Files
Alright, I'm making an installer that will install a program (Obviously :P), but I also need it to configure several files that it installed, based on user input. I don't have the exact info on the files that will need to be configured, as I have not recieved the program to make the installer out of yet, but I know that there will be 2 or more .ini's and one, maybe two .d2j files. I need to use textboxes, radio buttons, and checkboxes for the user input. A HUGE plus would be if it could be run again after the program's installed, just to update the settings in those files. I have the rest of the installer done, but if someone could point me in the right direction for the user input aspect, I would be eternally grateful. :P

Thanks in advance.

Use InstallOptions to get user input.

Originally posted by Joost Verburg
Use InstallOptions to get user input.
Can that have a user input a string, then use if/then statements on it? And - Which command would I use to edit non-ini files through the installer?

Yes, you can create your own custom dialog using InstallOptions.

NSIS has commands like FileOpen/FileRead etc. that you can use to modify files.

I looked into a tutorial for input with NSIS, so I could get the information from the users, but it was way too confusing. Can someone offer more help on getting info from a user and editing files based on thier input? I need to get this working by monday.

There are several examples in the Contrib\InstallOptions and Examples\Modern UI folders.