Archive: Installer which copies files rather than extracting them...

Installer which copies files rather than extracting them...
I'm working on a CD-ROM project where I need to 'copy' the files from the CD-ROM to the users drive rather than 'extracting' them from a standalone installer. Is it possible to use NSIS to generate an installer which works in this way???

Kind regards.

Use the CopyFiles command:

CopyFiles [/SILENT] [/FILESONLY] filespec_on_destsys destination_path [size_of_files_in_kb]
filespec_on_destsys is a required parameter, is where the file is in the destination system (means the CD-ROM too). Is recommended not to put "D:\" or "E:\" as CD-ROM drive letter, but to detect it, have a function in archive to do this (see a link in my signature).

destination_path is a required parameter, is where the file is copied to in the destination system.

[/SILENT] optional parameter makes don't show a window of the copying process when copying the file. In my opinion, it is recommended for your case.

[size_of_files_in_kb] optional parameter makes add this size to the total number of kb will have additionally in user's system. In my opinion, it is much recommended, or the user will think that the program is really small...

Excellent, thanks for the tip! :)

hmmmm..... I think the documentation should be this way:

4.2.3 Command_Name
parameter1 [parameter2]

Command description.

parameter1 - parameter1 description.

[parameter2] - parameter2 description.

There are indeed always things that can be improved in the documentation, but it all takes a lot of time.

We are still looking for people who want to help.