Archive: 3 questions: LZMA nonsolid, 2GBlimit and SMP support

3 questions: LZMA nonsolid, 2GBlimit and SMP support
There are 3 questions that are bugging me :)

First, I really appreciate LZMA support. It's just great compression, which make NSIS installer even smaller than they were. But I would like to create non-solid LZMA archives. I've read on this forum that that can be done by changing something in config.h and recompile it, but I don't have a compiler. So is there anyone who can do it and place the result somewhere online?

Second, I've also heard about an 2GB limit, but I'm not sure on what this limit applies. Is it the total of uncompressed files that can be compressed or is it the final exe size? I have a group of files of about 2,25GB which I would want to compress with LZMA (7-zip compresses it down to 550MB).

Last, I'm running an dual processor system (2 Athlon XP 2400+) and I've noticed that during compression NSIS uses only 50% of available processing power. I there any planned support for this (or have I overlooked a switch)?

Many thanks in advance and happy scripting and programming to y'all!

1) A NSIS 2.0 RC2 binary without solid compression can be downloaded here:

2) This limit applies to the total installer size. Because you will get an installer of 500 MB there is no problem.

3) It uses a single thread for compression, like most applications. There are no plans for multi thread support.

1. Great many big thanks! I'm going to try it right away!

2. Ok, thanks. That's good news :)

3. I understand (I suppose it's not easy and not too many users benefit from it). Nontheless with HT-cpu's and dual-core cpu's on their way, it might be worth a shot :)

Supporting multiple threads is complicated and there are not many users with dual-processor systems (for HT systems it won't make a big difference). Compilation is also something only the developer has to do once. Therefore we have other priorities.