Archive: "Desktop Shortcut"-checkbox on FinishPage

"Desktop Shortcut"-checkbox on FinishPage
Hi guys!

I searched the forum for quite a while but found no real answer. My problem is quite simple: I just want to have an extra checkbox on the finish page where the user can decide if a desktop shortcut is created or not. For sure I know how to create a desktop shortcut but I do not know how to add an extra checkbox to the finish page.

My finish page actually contains the 2 "standard" checkboxes for running the installed app and follow a link, which I configured with MUI_FINISHPAGE_RUN and MUI_FINISHPAGE_SHOWREADME. Both are working properly.

How can I add a third checkbox? :eek:

Btw... I'm using NSIS2 Beta 3a.

Many thanx in advance!
CU... mYkel

Since the Finish page uses IinstllOptions to create a custom page you could just modify the "ioSpecial.ini" defore the finish page is displayed to add an extra checkbox.


You should modify the INI file in the pre function of the finish page. It's also recommended that you upgrade to the latest NSIS 2 version.

Could you please specify more deeply what should we do with our ioSpecial.ini file? Thanks a lot.

I have got the same problem as mYkel but I don't found references to change the INI file.

Do you really need all the standard checkboxes and even more of them? You can always change the behavior of the checkboxes using simple Modern UI settings.

If you need more, check the structure of the of the ioSpecial.ini file in the temporary plug-ins folder during installation and write a script that adds entries to ioSpecial.ini in the Finish page pre-function and read them in the Finish page leave-function.

You can also create a totally custom InstallOptions page yourself.