Archive: XP New program highlighting?

XP New program highlighting?
I've skimmed the FAQ, the forum, and all the help files I can, as well as asking in the IRC channel. Still, no one seems to know why, when my program installs from NSIS, XP refuses to highlight the start menu items and show a pop-up bubble with the words "new programs installed".

What have I missed?

Does this only happened with NSIS installer? Did you try with others (although not recommend :p)

Maybe you have the option disabled. Right Click in the taskbar->properties->Start Menu tab->customize the start menu->Ooptions (second tab)->check for the highlight thing.

I haven't isolated it yet, but apparently it only happens when i DONT use he MUI. I'm working on tracking down the difference now.

If the CreateShotcut commands are identical, there is aboslutely no difference between NSIS interfaces.

I amahving this problem as well..
Any luck with a solid reason on what occured? My designer/UI guy is getting annoyed at me :)


Originally posted by Aggrav8d
I haven't isolated it yet, but apparently it only happens when i DONT use he MUI. I'm working on tracking down the difference now.

NSIS just creates a shortcut, it doesn't have anything to do with the Classic or Modern UI. It is probably a Windows problem or a problem with your configuration.

Good enough for me!
It won't be the first time on this project that I tell the UI guys 'Quiet! It wont do that!' :)


Originally posted by Joost Verburg
NSIS just creates a shortcut, it doesn't have anything to do with the Classic or Modern UI. It is probably a Windows problem or a problem with your configuration.

I've created a Wiki page explaining this problem and its solution. In short, you just need to have a version resource in your executable.

Probably a bit too late for this thread, but others might find this useful.

I am having the same problem on Windows 7. I create shortcuts they also show up in the start menu but they are not highlighted. Can anyone please post the solution.


Originally posted by adeeshah
I am having the same problem on Windows 7. I create shortcuts they also show up in the start menu but they are not highlighted. Can anyone please post the solution.

Didn't kichik give the answer?

In short, you just need to have a version resource in your executable.

Sorry LoRd_MuldeR, i am pretty new to NSIS and i don't know how one can add version resource to the executable.


Originally posted by adeeshah
Sorry LoRd_MuldeR, i am pretty new to NSIS and i don't know how one can add version resource to the executable.

Well, NSIS just packages your executable as-is. You have to add the "version info" resource to the executable with whatever development environment (tool chain) you are using the develop/build your executable (e.g. Visual Studio).

BTW: NSIS can add a "version info" resource to the installer executable, but that's not what you want here.

No it doesn't work. I added the version info to my installer executable using the NSIS and i also added the version info to my packaged executable using the .rc file and then comipling it with windres but they are still not highlighted.


Did you try it with a different user or machine? There might be some kind of cache getting in the way

Did you verify that the version info is present, e.g. by checking the file properties in Explorer?

Also did you read this:

* Once you've run a program, it is no longer marked as "new".
* Shortcuts more than a week old. Clearly you aren't interested in those any more.

yes, the version information is added to the installer as well as the executable. See here,

- I haven't run the program yet.
- the shortcut is new.


There is an option in Windows 7 to disable the new program highlighting. Is it enabled on your system? (Start Menu properties - Customize - check "highlight newly installed programs" )

Yes that option is enabled, all other new installed programs are marked as new.


Hello again.......i was out for sometime and now back again....but i still haven't found the solution..............

can someone post the sample script that can help me out?

NSIS is a great script and my installer is working perfect the only problem left is that new programs are not highlighted...........i am sure i am making some stupid mistake here.....but if some NSIS guru can post a sample script that would be really great!!!!!!



already tried that. Added the version info to my program but no help.
