Archive: Install on Win98 kills Win98 System Setup

Install on Win98 kills Win98 System Setup
I have an install that works great on XP. On win98, it crashes. Once it crashes it screws up the OS. How bad it screws up win98 is variable. Sometimes, it just screws up the fonts. Other times, when it makes win98 lose the OS Product key and when I reboot it asks for the win98 system key.

I've reformatted the disks and reinstalled win98 several times before trying this. So it isn't something else in the system that causes this.

Before I bore you with the code, I was wondering if anyone has seen this general problem before. My guess is that something is happening in the registry and than not getting written out correctly and then corrupting the registry.

My install script does include code that makes numerous changes to the registry including a dll registration.

It looks like you are accidently removing a registry key like Software\Microsoft\Windows.

Thank you
I believe I have narrowed it down to a missing NOREMOVE in the ddl registry info. Thanks for the suggestion of the specific key to look at. It was Windows\CurrentVersion that was getting trashed.
