Archive: Section & Subsection Subesction select

Section & Subsection Subesction select
Hi, i can't manage my uninstaller section & sub
That's how it looks like (bigger in fact)


I (only) need that :
if sec1 is selected then subsec2 is unselected (and all the tree)
if subsec2 is selected or partially selected through tree then sec1 is unselected

I've looked all the forum (really) for examples, one-section, basic etc.... tried by myself but no way it can't work... (moreover i'm really bad at nsis script...i'm getting better and better but for that i'm :down: )

Hi, if I understood well your problem, I don't know if its possible without deep changing NSIS engine,

because sec1 is parent of subsec2, if subsec2 is partial sec1 must be indeterminate, if subsec2 is entirely selected sec1 is selected too, this is standard in windows.


i don't think sec1 is parent of subsec2.
It's like if there was sec1 & sec2 except sec2 contains other sections...

This is possible using the Sections.nsh macros and the .onSelChange callback function.

Originally posted by Joost Verburg
This is possible using the Sections.nsh macros and the .onSelChange callback function.
that's what i cannot manage to use :eek:

Could you give me an example for something like that :


You can find details about the macros in that file.

SelectSection selects a section
UnSelectSection unselectes a secton
SectionFlagIsSet can be used to check whether a secton is selected (combined with the SF_SELECTED flag).


As i'm still at the same point, i post the onesection i've modified but that still doesnt work well (in fact it work in one way only....

; one-section.nsi
; This example demonstrates how to control section selection.
; It allows only one of the sections of a group to be selected.


; Section define/macro header file
; See this header file for more info

!include "Sections.nsh"


Name "One Section"
OutFile "one-section.exe"


; Pages

Page components


; Sections

Section /o "aaaa" g0o0


SubSection "bbbb" ss1

Section "Group 1 - Option 1" g1o1

Section "Group 1 - Option 2" g1o2



; Functions

; $1 stores the status of group 1
; $2 stores the status of group 2

Function .onInit

StrCpy $1 -1


Function .onSelChange

!insertmacro SectionFlagIsSet ${g0o0} ${SF_SELECTED} "" next

StrCmp $1 ${ss1} "" dontUnselect
!insertmacro UnselectSection ${ss1}

!insertmacro UnselectSection ${g1o1}
!insertmacro UnselectSection ${g1o2}
StrCpy $1 ${ss1}


!insertmacro SectionFlagIsSet ${ss1} ${SF_SELECTED} "" next2
StrCmp $1 ${g0o0} "" dontUnselect2
!insertmacro UnselectSection ${g0o0}

StrCpy $1 ${g0o0}



Try this.

Thanks a lot ;)

I'll post my section/subsection scripts when finished...if it can help...:p