Project management
I'm relatively new to NSIS, but I'm using it for a lot of things.
I'm also using the suggestions of the archive and the forums, so my knowledge is growing... but my memory is not! :D
I think that NSIS is now ready for a new generation of instruments for managing the scripts (tools like Venis, HM Workbench and others).
These tool are, IMO, beautiful and useful (really!), but there is a lack of advanced functions that normally a professional IDE have.
Things like "snippets database" (in fact, almost the "NSIS Archive") ready to be used (and maybe with some "auto-include" of the related file). :cool:
Things like a "dependency checker". :cool:
Like a "project folders" for storing the files. :cool:
Maybe the developers of the previous tolls may create a unique project for this kind of IDE, or jointly develop a plugin for an existing open-source IDE (like Eclipse)?
I think this will make THE difference...:up: