Archive: Add/Remove Programs: (remove only)?

Add/Remove Programs: (remove only)?
Just a quick question here, I searched everywhere (faq, nsis sourceforge site, searched this forum) and I couldn't come up with an answer, possibly because my question is incredibly stupid.

What exactly does the "(remove only)" designation beside entries in the Windows Add/Remove Programs window imply? I have guessed it denotes that clicking on the entry will only allow the user to remove the software and not repair/configure/update it. Is this correct?

Some people add that to make clear that the application can only be removed (not changed).

But in the manual you can find information about registry keys that you can use to change the button text to "Remove" (that's even better).

to change the button text to "Remove", use this commands:

StrCpy $0 "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\YOUR_APPLICATION_NAME"
WriteRegStr HKLM "$0" "UninstallString" "YOUR_UNINSTALLER"
WriteRegStr HKLM "$0" "ModifyPath" "YOUR_UNINSTALLER"
WriteRegDWORD HKLM "$0" "NoModify" "1"
WriteRegDWORD HKLM "$0" "NoRepair" "1"

Thanks a lot guys. A developer that my company publishes for was trying to pull a fast one on us. I've never developed with NSIS so I couldn't call them on it. Thank you very much, you've helped immensely. In the future I will look at NSIS for my installation packages.