how to use findfirst, etc. ?
i want to get all the filenames of a specific file-type in one specific directory.
i think, i'll have to use FindFirst, FindNext, etc.
but how?
anone can help me?
Archive: how to use findfirst, etc. ?
how to use findfirst, etc. ?
i want to get all the filenames of a specific file-type in one specific directory.
i think, i'll have to use FindFirst, FindNext, etc.
but how?
anone can help me?
>To search for files with a extension and in a certain folder, use (example):
FindFirst $0 $1 "${NSISDIR}\Examples\*.nsi"
IfFileExists "${NSISDIR}\$1\*.*" IsDir IsFile
IsDir: ;If the file is a dir, will execute this code below
IsFile: ;Returning to normal code
FindNext $0 $1
FindClose $0