Archive: Installing Base files

Installing Base files
Hello All,

I'm doing a project that requires to install some base files off of a predetermined drive (cd-rom). I'm not sure as how to go about getting my installer to copy files from a cd-rom. Can someone help me with this?

Thnx in Advance :D


Use CopyFiles.

Modern UI
Ok thx;)

I get that part, however I'm a little confused about how to create the Custom Screen in the Modern UI. If I wanted to get the Installer to auto select all cd-rom drives, I would have to use Enumurate CD-ROMs, Now how do I encorporate, That plus Making it search for a Certain file on the CD. that the files would be copied from. I not real sure how I would write that INI file it seems to complexed.

So basicly I need help with making a coustom install screen that has a droplist to select a cd-rom drive that has a certain cd and files, and writing a INI for all of it.
I hope that is clear, I've just started using this program, however I will say its a lot better than the other install programs ex. Install shield, Wise

:(Sorry for the mis communication.

:up: Thanks for reponding so soon.

You said the drive is predetermined. Why would you need to ask the user for it? You can pass it on the command line in read it from $CMDLINE or if the installer is in the same directory as the files, you can use $EXEDIR.