Archive: Search path from CD

Search path from CD
Hi. I'm sure someone has encountered this problem and can solve it easily.

My installation script requires determining if MySQL is installed. Using the script instruction...

SearchPath <variable> "\mysql\bin",

...I have been able to detect the installation path, if the installer is executed from the hard drive I'm installing on. If the same is from CD, the installer fails to find the path.

Can anyone tell me why it doesn't work the same, and how to accomplish it?

Thank you for your help.

most likely the reason it doesn't work is because the installer is searching for the MySQL path on the CD.

You are much better off checking the registry to see if MySQL is installed and what path it is installed in. If you search for the path, you stand a good chance of recieving both false positives and false negatives.

SearchPath searches for a file. For example:

SearchPath $0 mysql.exe
But as rjstephens said, you're probably better off reading the registry with ReadRegStr and friends than searching the path.

Thank you all for your feedback. Unfortunately, I can't find any registry entry to look for. That's why I tried SearchPath to begin with.

MySQL should insert a my.ini file in your Windows directory. This usually lists the path to the base dir, from there mysql.exe is usually in the bin dir. This is true for 3.23.x, I'm not sure about newer versions. then do:
ReadINIStr $1 "$WINDIR\my.ini" "mysqld" "basedir"
and start your search from there.

Of course! The my.ini file!! Why didn't I think of that. Thanks, Spatacoli. I'm off and running again.