Archive: Qoutes Trouble INI

Qoutes Trouble INI
I have a 9,896 File install ready to go
Services ready to be installed and etc

but there is only one thing stopping me dead in my tracks
and here it is

FileWrite $9 "; example, if you set output_handler to "mb_output_handler", character"$\r$\n"
WriteINIStr $WINDIR\my.ini mysqld datadir ""$INSTDIR\mysql\data""
Inserting a Actual ""
the INI file needs this

I need some way to say
WriteINIStr $WINDIR\my.ini mysqld datadir ""C:\\mysql\data""
to take what ever is in a certin area and tell the frekin
thing to put it there that way regardless of what I put there.

So if i wanted to put in "2#$C%!~" within the ""
or anything like that _> that's what I need Badly

the Qoutes are killing my Project Install
or rather the only thing stopping me from getting what i need done :(

P.S. Is there a such thing as
hrmmmm like a um Chr Variable Ascii convertor
say like
take "cow" = #CMO8 and where ever there is a cow in the file
change the cow to #CMO8
and or
Take the
take "cow" = HexOem and where ever there is a cow in the file
this would be cow = 636F77 or visa versa ?
so I can use HEX or CHAR or Binnary or somthing
to represent the special charecters that the Compiler is erroring on ?

Any help is greatly apreciated Thank you in Advance.
"If you read this please tell me what you know that could help"
mabey even a link to a Example ?

Re: Qoutes Trouble INI

Originally posted by rainmanp7
FileWrite $9 "; example, if you set output_handler to "mb_output_handler", character"$\r$\n"
WriteINIStr $WINDIR\my.ini mysqld datadir ""$INSTDIR\mysql\data""
Inserting a Actual ""
It's in the docs. If you whant to insert " (double quotes) in a string enclose it with ' ' (single quotes). Try this:
FileWrite $9 '; example, if you set output_handler to "mb_output_handler"$\r$\n'
WriteINIStr $WINDIR\my.ini mysqld datadir '"$INSTDIR\mysql\data"'

Actually what did work is using
the $/
Eample $/"hello$/"
but i will try the ' symbol thanx:cool:
thank you for your help I wish this was in the help file:igor:

It is in the help file in at least 2 places.