Archive: Fetching Internet Explorer version

Fetching Internet Explorer version

This is my first time building an installer with NSIS and I'm completely stuck at this point.
I'd like to read the IE version from the registry and i searched this forum for examples.
Now i got this:

ReadRegStr $IEVERSION HKCU "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings" "User Agent"

But when I want to compile i get an error on that line:

Usage: ReadRegStr $(user_var: output) rootkey subkey entry
Error in script "C:\Documents and Settings\Unknown User\Desktop\Installer\test.nsi" on line 49 -- aborting creation process

Any help how to fix?

I think this is not the line with problems, try to find it, or attach the script.

here's the full script.

Thx in advance ;)

good this time.

You forgot to define the variable $IEVERSION first. Use the "Var" command out of Sections and Functions before using the variable:


But is recommended to use the original $1-$9, $R1-$R9 variables.

Thx, guess i didn't read all documentation that well ;)
Works like a charm now