Archive: Loding files with invisible installer

Loding files with invisible installer

I´m new to using the NSIS installer and I was wondering how image files or sound files can be loaded with the script. I can add an image file to the script, but, it only knows to look for it on my hard drive and not on the potential user´s hard drive.

I´ve used this code to load a temp IE Explorer file:

GetTempFileName $R0
FileOpen $0 $R0 "w" ;open htmltemp file in windowed mode.
;backslash to continue with the same line and omit
;html double quotes. They throw an error when compiling.
FileWrite $0 "<HTML>\
<H1>Pertaining to this, that or the other, actually</H1>\
<p>Blah blah blah!\
<br>until the cows come home\
<br>to root!</p>\
<H4>More stuff goes here and there</H4>\
<IMG SRC=file://C|/mainimagefolder/logo/logo1.gif WIDTH=320 HEIGHT=240 ALT=Try the Power of this now! BORDER=0>\
<br><A HREF=http:\\www.mycompany.html>Click here to get the Latest version!</A>\

FileClose $0

;By the way, the above code compiles just fine, as long as
;thye final EXE knows where the image file is on my hard
;drive. If the final EXE can´t find the image, it will just show that little infamous "x" in it´s place along with the text and hyperlink when the user clicks on the final EXE icon.

;Sorry for the questions and thank you for the reply.


Use the File instruction to extract files. See the examples in the Examples folder.