Archive: Shortcut Fix

Shortcut Fix
This is a proble about a shortcut.
there was a topic before: Link I checked the user manual
but i dont get it, what im i seposed to do with $Outdir. Could somebody explain it to me.

I need that the shortcut starts in the ($)instaldir and not $instaldir/help/web..

I hope somebody got an answer to this


the $OUTDIR is set with SetOutPath. and about shortcut, it appears you searched the forum instead of the documentation.

Yeah, you can use $OUTDIR:

SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\help\dir"

And after that, use $OUTDIR as this path until you use another SetOutPath command.

Yep :up:

I did what you guys said, but i now have this small prob.
The code is like this:


CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\${MUI_STARTMENUPAGE_VARIABLE}\iMesh Light.lnk" " $OUTDIR\iml-run.exe"

But when i instal the setup the target is this:

"C:\ C:\Program Files\iMesh Light\iml-run.exe"

2 times c:\ is wrong, can anybody tell me how this happens.


Try to remove that space after the quote, maybe it helps.

It works, thank you very much (echt knap!)

But ive another question.

At the end of my instalation the setup runs the same file, but it dont run>becuase the startin isnt right.

How can i change this?

(If anyone knows a page where is explain how making/enableling a readme page, please tell me)


I have no idea what you mean. What are you trying to do and what goes wrong?

Mm, m sorry it was a fast post.

When my setup is finisht you get an FinishPage (MUI_RESERVEFILE_WELCOMEFINISHPAGE)
In this page there is a checkbox to run the program (!define MUI_FINISHPAGE_RUN "$INSTDIR\iml-run.exe")

But it doesnt work, the program never launch. This is (i think) the same problem as my shortcut problem. The file that is launched has a wrong 'start in'. He must know what the 'Start in:$OUTDIR/..' is.
(hij moet dus weten dat hij moet 'Beginnen in:$OUTDIR/..', en ik heb geen idee hoe je dat moet instellen)


Usually appllications do not care about the current folder. Would you mind testing it on a few systems?

If you have a poorly written application, you might have to set SetOutPath before running the application (which can be done using a custom run function, see the Modern UI Readme).