Archive: Banner progress ?

Banner progress ?
Hello peoples,

I'm doing a banner for my install program.
I have it as a recomposing data display is there any way I can get it to display the Progress in percent. So like if it is set up to show for 5000ms how can I get it to show that in percent 0-100% Is there a certain command I can call?


What are you doing while you are showing the banner? If there are multiple commands, it might be possible to show a progress.

Thankx for the quick reply.. I figured it out.

Oh one other thing -

Is it possiable to Have a .MP3 file decoded to .WAV through the NSIS system. What I mean is, I have 5 files to put in my install that are very large in .WAV format, I converted them to .MP3 but on the users program they need to be .WAV so is there a way to make the install program decode them to .WAV when it is installed on the Destination computer?

- DrkAngel

If you can find a command line MP3 to WAV decoder that should be quite easy.


After searching for a freeware MP3 decoder and not having much luck I got another idea.

You said that the reason you wanted mp3s was because they are a lot smaller that wavs. Then I thought of OGG Vorbis.

Ogg Vorbis is a completely open, patent-free, professional audio encoding and streaming technology that sounds better than MP3
Now Ogg creates better quality and smaller files so it's perfectly suited.

Simply encode your waves with "oggenc2.exe my.wav" This will produce a my.ogg file which you then should include in the installer together with the oggdec.exe

You can then extract these ogg files then run "oggdec.exe my.ogg" from the installer and you have your wave file back then you can simply delete the ogg files and oggdec.exe from the system and you are done.


Encoder can be found here.
Decoder can be found here.

Thankx Vytautas
That sounds great, It should work perfect, thankx for the help.

I did some searching of my own I found a decoder for MP3 thats free to use from Etalon Software If you or any one needs a Decoder check this one out. Plus its free you can't beat that.

MP3 Decode found here

- DrkAngel

The encoder works great, however I'm having problems getting the installer to call the decoder. I'm using the EXEC command is this the wrong thing to use.


use LAME for free mp3-en-/decoding.
i think, it's open source, but am not sure.
in any case, it's free.
just google for it.

DrkAngel I had found the decoder you specified, but you needed a command-line decoder NSIS could use. I tried the OggDec.exe and got it to work with the following code

  SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\Sound"
file "oggdec.exe"
file "test.ogg"
file "test2.ogg"
execwait "oggdec.exe test.ogg"
execwait "oggdec.exe test2.ogg"

If you did not want the dos boxes showing up during the decoding you could also use the nsExec plugin, but then you would lose the progress info.


Thanx Vytautas,

Ok I see where I made My mistake with the code. I also tried the nsExec::ExecToLog worked well also. Don't know wich I'll use for the Release but your help with this was much appreciated.That OGG :up: is a great tool. :D

Thanx again