Archive: Quick launch shortcut missing for a different windows user

Quick launch shortcut missing for a different windows user
Hi there!
I have the following problem: I want to install to all users so I use:
SetShellVarContext all
at the very beginning of my first install and uninstall sections inside which I copy the shortcuts. The problem is that when I install the product under one windows user which has administrator rights, and then I log as another windows user, the quick launch icon is not present (but all other icons are there...).
Any idea why is it happening and how to fix it?

I create the shortcuts with CreateShortCut after I use SetShellVarContext all...
Thanks in advance!

Thanks for your quick reply! By the way, the last two days this forum is loading very slow... Maybe the problem is in my connection, but I don't experience such a problems with other sites...

kichik did some testing.

It really work fine with the 'All Users' setting. Can you give us the value of $QUICKLAUNCH when it it set to all?

Joost, what kichik meant, I think, was that Quick Launch directory, by default, is "C:\Documents and Settings\My USer Name\Application Data\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch". However this directory does not exist "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch" unlike similar directories that do, e.g. Desktop has both variants.


I made a test, the value of $QUICKLAUNCH is:
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch
so it installs a quick launch icon only for the current user, not for all users

The exact same question has already been answered in another thread. Please only post your question once.

There is no quick launch bar for all users. It's per user only.

Excuse, me! I will not double my questions anymore!

I think you can do that, but putting the same shortcut for every user's folder...

To do that, you have to use the registry to get where it have to be put for each user. First, subfolder is equal a user in HKEY_USERS (not subfolders of subfolders), so use the first you detected to find the correct Quick Launch folder. Second, get the folder found and copy the file to there. And do those again until no more users are found in HKEY_USERS.

The user has to be logged on for its key to appear under HKEY_USERS. You can probably call the LoadUserProfile API function to fix this.