Archive: NSIS 2.0 final released

NSIS 2.0 final released
The wait is finally over: the second generation of NSIS, the popular installer creation system for Windows, is out. Almost 2 years of hard work have gone in to NSIS 2 since the first alpha was released, but it has all been worth it. After numerous alphas, betas and release candidates (17 to be exact), each with more and more features, we feel that NSIS 2 has reached a state where it truly deserves the major version jump; and we are extremely proud of the result.

Some of the delights that await you are: a modern user interface, an easier plug-in system, better file compression, and multiple languages. Every pre-release of NSIS 2 has seen the number of applications using NSIS grow, and they can't all be wrong.

We would like to thank everyone who has pitched in ideas, submitted patches, reported bugs, written new plug-ins, created pages in the Archive, and generally spread the word about NSIS 2.

“It's great, it's here, it’s been and will be fun.”

A more detailed list of new NSIS 2 features can be found at our website:

Since the RC4 release, a new string function header file has been added and a few minor bugs have been fixed.


great respect to the whole team for taking the time to complete a stable product!

Congrats! To you all Devs and to all the Contribs :D

yes, thank u in advance, all the community out there, and the devs, giving some sense to our life ;) :D

Can anyone compile makensis.exe so that it compresses LZMA nonsolid? Thanks in advance!

Originally posted by Breepee
Can anyone compile makensis.exe so that it compresses LZMA nonsolid? Thanks in advance!

Thanks, I didn't see that. The NSIS site is pretty slow here, so I thought asking would be faster :)

Congrats! NSIS 2 is really awesome product, with so many nice features.
You all did great work.

Congrats on the awesome work. NSIS 2 is frigging state of the art.

congratulation It's great.

Wow, NSIS 2 rocks! :)

Hi everyone!

As the version 2.0 is released, I just wanted to make a quick post to thank the dev team and contributors for the hard work..

I've used NSIS two years ago, it worked fine for my needs at that time (an installer for my univ' project). I work in a company now, and I was asked a few months ago to study what product could be used to replace the one we have (the huge one that sucks :D). So I have choosen NSIS to package our applications. I'm just AMAZED how far it got since :
Modern UI, real user variables, the recently-added LogicLib and Strfunc headers, wonderful plugins like InstallOption, Language strings ... What is missing !? (err, dynamic pages :p ?)

Well, thanks, just don't stop :)


Using the new InstallOptions NOTIFY flag you can create dynamic pages (for example, you can disable controls based on the state of others).


Thank You.

Congrats on a "Great" "Working" "install system" :):cool:

Thanks. Currently using a 2.0B4 beta (as it's stable for us), but will hopefully be moving to 2.0 final soon. (script incompatabilities and version control is a problem for us, and changes are required in our standard scripts for 2.0 final to compile)

Excellent Work NSIS Team...

There have been no major script format changes since beta 4.

Gonna have a party :D
I'm going to rebuild all my installers now with the latest & greatest :)