Archive: InstallDirRegKey does not work when a root is used to install!

InstallDirRegKey does not work when a root is used to install!
I use WriteRegStr and InstallDirRegKey to write and read the value of the installation directory in the registry. I have noticed however that this works only if the instalation area is not a root directory.

For example if I choose the install directory to be C:\ the first time, the second time the installer will not remember this. If however I choose let's say C:\my_dir then the installer will remember this value and put it as default for the next installation.

Please note that I set AllowRootDirInstall to true to be able to insall to a root directory.

Thanks for any help.

Write the registry value with a trailing backslash for now.

Added a workaround in latest CVS version. No compiled version yet.