Archive: Create Shortcut

Create Shortcut

Could somebody write me, how the line must be to create a shortcut on the desktop.

Sincerly Patrick Hennig

CreateShortCut "$DESKTOP\Filename.lnk" "$INSTDIR\Target.File"

And what must I do when I want to add a icon file

Go to the NSIS Folder on your Computer and then Look for a Map called Examples look for "BigTest.nsi"



That is not what he means.

To add an icon to a shortcut:

CreateShortcut "myshortcut.lnk" "myapp.exe" "" "myappwithicon.exe" 0

CreateShortcut "shortcutname.lnk" "application.exe" "commandline parameters" "icon-file.ico/.dll/.exe" "icon-index (usually 0)" "mode to open (normal, maximized, minimized)" "description of this shortcut"

FYI, keyboard_shorcut comes before descrption.

At any rate, you should check out the CreateShortcut definition if you have questions in the documentation.

The documentation is inadequate and lacks examples. All it says is: "The icon used for the shortcut is 'icon.file,icon_index_number'" That doesn't even clarify if the file to specify is the source file or the target file. And there is not a single example of this in the \Examples either.

Neither of these works:

CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\TaskTracker\TaskTracker Help.lnk" "$INSTDIR\TaskTracker Help.url" "help.ico" "0" 0 SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED

CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\TaskTracker\TaskTracker Help.lnk" "$INSTDIR\TaskTracker Help.url" "$INSTDIR\help.ico" "0" 0 SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED

HELL, is this documentation really so hard to understand????????

CreateShortCut link.lnk target.file [parameters [icon.file [icon_index_number [start_options [keyboard_shortcut [description]]]]]]
use this code:
CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\TaskTracker\TaskTracker Help.lnk" "$INSTDIR\TaskTracker Help.url" "" "$INSTDIR\help.ico" "0" "SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED"

and PLEASE look few times about it to get the mistakes you made, for learning :)

Actually there is one other very critical - very obvious thing, I guess - completely missing from the doc. But it took me a long time to cotton on: You have to install the icon that you want the program shortcut to use.


Section "MainSection" SEC02
. . .
File "help.ico"

You don't really install the Icon, you just put it on the target system

Every Icon you want to use has to be anywhere, and if you are using a non windows icon, you should "install" it

well, you can include Icons in executables (like done in many Exefiles you can see on your System)

so if you are creating a shortcut to this, the icon of the exe should be used, but I'm not sure if this is working on every System - its better to specify the icons exactly

greetz Dave

don't understand why
hi. i wanted to create a desktop shortcut for an app that will have in the target place an url.
this is what i wrote:

CreateShortCut "$DESKTOP\Launch.lnk" "C:\Program Files\Launch\Launch.exe" "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe" /p="" "" "0" "SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED"

but when compiling i get this error :"error in script on line.."

what am i doing wrong? can anyone help me, pls? thx

i have looked over the links..i knew them. the thing is that when compiling, nsis does not take both paths....only the first one... < "C:\Program Files\Launch\Launch.exe"> and i need the second one too. i have to find a way to keep them both. and i am looking for answers since this morning and my current time is 2 in the afternoon :))))

No, you did not check the links, if you had done that, you would know that links to internet url's are not shortcuts, but a .ini file

you lost me there...

WriteINIStr "DESKTOP\Click On Me.url" "InternetShortcut" "URL" ""

i understand what u are saying. but i think i didn't explained very clear what is my problem.
through a program i have to connect to an url. in the target of the shortcut.. this is what i have to have :
""C:\Program Files\Launch\Launch.exe" "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe" /p="" /a=1"

"/p" and "/a=1" are parameters that i have to pass to the program (ex. Launch.exe )that then, and only then can access the page.

*(the http is not real, it just to for the example)

`"C:\Program Files\Launch\Launch.exe" "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe" /p="" /a=1`


just wanted to say thank you!
it was as u said...i wouldn't have thought of those different kind of quotes. (just needed to play with them a little)

CreateShortCut "$DESKTOP\app.lnk" "$PROGRAMFILES\App\App.exe" `"$PROGRAMFILES\Internet Explorer\IEXPLORE.exe" /e="" /c=4` "$PROGRAMFILES\Internet Explorer\IEXPLORE.exe"

maybe this will help somebody too.
Thank you again.

Yes " ' and ` can all be used.
I always use ` for outer quotations for the reason that it is used the least (and won't result in compile errors).
