InstallOptions patch contribution
I don't know if this is the right place to post patches to InstallOptions, or if my patch is in the right format, but here it is.
Here's a short patch for InstallOptions that allows you to disable the next button in the same way you can disable the back or cancel buttons.
*** installeroptions.cpp.old Sat Jan 31 14:54:46 2004
--- installeroptions.cpp Tue Feb 10 13:12:08 2004
*** 183,188 ****
--- 183,190 ----
int bCancelEnabled = FALSE; // by ORTIM: 13-August-2002
int bCancelShow = FALSE; // by ORTIM: 13-August-2002
+ int bNextEnabled = FALSE; // by nandhp: 10-February-2004
int bRTL = FALSE;
FieldType *pFields = NULL;
*** 417,422 ****
--- 419,427 ----
bCancelEnabled = myGetProfileInt("CancelEnabled", -1);
bCancelShow = myGetProfileInt("CancelShow", -1);
+ // by nandhp: 2-February-2004
+ bNextEnabled = myGetProfileInt("NextEnabled", -1);
bRTL = myGetProfileInt("RTL", 0);
if (nNumFields > 0) {
*** 888,893 ****
--- 893,899 ----
if (bBackEnabled!=-1) EnableWindow(hBackButton,bBackEnabled);
+ if (bNextEnabled!=-1) EnableWindow(hNextButton,bNextEnabled); // nandhp 10-F
if (bCancelEnabled!=-1) EnableWindow(hCancelButton,bCancelEnabled);
if (bCancelShow!=-1) old_cancel_visible=ShowWindow(hCancelButton,bCancelShow
After applying this patch to installeroptions.cpp, add "NextEnabled=0" to the Settings section of your INI file to disable the next button.