10th February 2004 22:00 UTC
Modifying the Modern UI
I've had the idea to modify the Modern UI.
For example I wanted to try to change it's size. In the Help I read that I should use a program like Resource Hacker to modify the files in the Contrib\UIs folder.
But I think modifying the source would be better. But I can't find it. Is the source not available (so is this file not open source) or I'm blind?
10th February 2004 22:12 UTC
Check in CVS - I've looked for the source to NSIS Menu before but never found it except in CVS.
Never mind it doesn't seem to be there.
10th February 2004 22:42 UTC
"${NSISDIR}\Contrib\UIs\UI Holder"
there is a ui.c in there.
Joost Verburg
10th February 2004 23:08 UTC
Resource files don't have a "source", it's just data. Resource Hacker will show you the source and will compile the resource data for you, it's just an easy method because you don't have to use a resource compiler etc.
11th February 2004 14:02 UTC
Thank you.
I didn't know this method.
So I have learned something again :) .