Archive: Registry Multi sz

Registry REG_Multi_SZ
Um I have been looking through lots of manuals and posts but i see nothing

concerning the folowing issues

in my registry I have the Options to make the folowing keys

String Value
Binary Value
Dword Value
Multi-String Value
Expandable String Value

Information about this 1 thing :igor:
Multi-String Value
It would be greatly apreciated thank you .
Perferably a Example ?

Because I have to write these values back in.

I need to write values to the registry
using the Multi-String Methode in the registry.
This is not some R&D = Reasearch and Development Installer is it ? I sure hope this can do the basic registry functions that any other installer can do right ?:eek: or
this can't be done in C++ ? I'm really hope hope hoping
this can be done .

The Users manual shows you how to read these multi-string values. Using similar API calls you can also write them.

Thanx Joost I was hoping it could be done.
any idea of what page that talks about this ?

I knew it could be done via API
but not sure if nsis handled api calls very well
and never really seen any API calls in the manual.

Thank you for the information :)

I was wondering if ther could be anyway that the um
REG_Multi_SZ could be built in mabey in the future
development of nsis like a sizeable string is and the
other regitry keys ?

See Appendix C of the NSIS Users Manual.