Archive: services::SendServiceCommand

I've been away for a while and just upgraded to 2.0. When I upgraded, my services commands stopped working. It's been so long that I forgot if I had to do something special to get these going. I searched the archives but don't get a hit on SendServiceCommand or IsServiceRunning... Can anyone point me in the right direction?


You can download this plug-in with documentation at

Thanks Joost, that was it!

Hi stonkers :) !

Err, just wanted to know if you've been able to solve your problem about creating a service for a specific user/domain (, as I've got the same problem ...

Oh, while I'm at it, another thing I couldn't do with dselkirk's service lib is to create a service "allowed to interact with the desktop". I mean the service is created but the checkbox isn't checked ... :(

Does anyone have a clue about that ?
