Archive: dll /nounload how to get result from function

dll /nounload how to get result from function
hi all
I have a 'litle' problem.
i have a dll that is not a plugin
this dll has few functions like this three below (delphi):

function open(xxx,yyy:PChar):integer; cdcel;
function use(xxx:PChar;var i : integer):integer; cdcel;
function close:integer;

main idea is to use this dll in program that is instaled, but, i have to call function 'use' during install, and more before use i have to call open :) and after close :).
my problem is that I need to check result of this functions,.
Using System::Call provaids me with it, but I haven't found option that keeps my dll in memory.
Second way using mydll::open, mydll::use, mydll::close keeps it in memory but i can't retriev result from it.
problem is that i could change the dll, but it's connected with application and I don't knew how they will cooperate together when I add PluginDll functionality.

System.dll never unloads the DLL unless you have specified the u switch.

ok, it worked, sorry for buging U, it was after 23 hours of working, thanks for cearing me that