Archive: Unistall Delete

Unistall Delete
I want that the Uninstaller deletes itself after uninstalling

And I want to delete this map in the register but it doenst work !
DeleteRegKey HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\VegetaSan a-S Codec Pack"

How do I do these things ?????
I found this in the manual but I dont get it
- [/ifempty] root_key subkey

You don't need anything special to delete an uninstaller, because it copies itself to a temporary folder, starts that copy, then exits.

As for the DeleteRegKey, did you reopen Add/Remove Programs? There's a problem with Windows 95/98/ME that causes Add/Remove Programs not to refresh itself when using NSIS (Because of the reason above, it only refreshes when the first copy of the installer exits).