Archive: Problem Deleting $instdir

Problem Deleting $instdir
How can I delete the $INSTDIR

I have this in my uninstaller :
Delete "$INSTDIR\mplayercXP.exe"
Delete "$INSTDIR"

But it doesnt delete the map :(

InstallDirRegKey HKLM "SOFTWARE\AnimeSupremeCodecPack\20040220" ""

What special thing do I need to insert in my uninstaller?

Thanks, VegetaSan

To remove the folder it should be completely empty and unused.

Use a recursive removal if you want to remove its contents.

Use RMDir instead of delete. Also put the /r switch after RMDir. It deletes the folder regardless of whats in it.

I works thanks guys

How I can delete all files with recursive? I can delete files in one folder, but uninstaller don't delete files in subfolder.
Did you add some parametr, that will be delete all files in folder and subfolders?

RMDir /r

Originally posted by Joost Verburg
RMDir /r
And this delete all files and folders?
If I right understand, thank you.

Yes, it will delete everything inside the folder.

Great thanks, because I %%%%%%% write script, for example:

Delete "$INSTDIR\*"
Delete "$INSTDIR\Addons\*"
Delete "$INSTDIR\Addons\Archivers\*"
Delete "$INSTDIR\Addons\Colors\*"
Delete "$INSTDIR\Addons\Colors\Custom Highlighting\*"
Delete "$INSTDIR\Addons\Colors\Default Highlighting\*"
Delete "$INSTDIR\Addons\Macros\*"
Delete "$INSTDIR\Addons\SetUp\*"
Delete "$INSTDIR\Addons\Shell\*"
Delete "$INSTDIR\Addons\Tables\*"
Delete "$INSTDIR\Addons\Tables\Central European\*"
Delete "$INSTDIR\Addons\Tables\Cyrillic\*"
Delete "$INSTDIR\Addons\Tables\Cyrillic\E-Mail Double Conversion\*"
Delete "$INSTDIR\Addons\Tables\Cyrillic\Russian\*"
Delete "$INSTDIR\Addons\Tables\Cyrillic\Ukrainian\*"
Delete "$INSTDIR\Addons\Tables\German\*"
Delete "$INSTDIR\Addons\Tables\Hebrew\*"
Delete "$INSTDIR\Addons\Tables\Slavic (CE)\*"
Delete "$INSTDIR\Addons\Tables\Slavic (CE)\Czech\*"
Delete "$INSTDIR\Addons\Tables\Slavic (CE)\Hungarian\*"
Delete "$INSTDIR\Addons\Tables\Slavic (CE)\Polish\*"
Delete "$INSTDIR\Addons\Tables\Western European\*"
Delete "$INSTDIR\Addons\XLat\*"
Delete "$INSTDIR\Addons\Russian\*"

This part code of my installation of FAR Manager...
One more thanks