Archive: Write Install Program for $

Write Install Program for $
I have some software that is installed using Java Web Start. I'd like a .exe install program that I could use to accomplish the install, so I can submit the software to shareware sites. It looks like NSIS can do this. I am also willing to pay a couple bucks (say $20US - yeah, not much, but maybe a quick buck for someone who's already knows NSIS).

I need the following install process:
1) Has user agree to license.
2) Checks for JRE and if not installed, prompts user to install (should auto-install 1.4+ as simply as possible, but download should _NOT_ include the JRE since its too big).
3) Creates shortcut(s) to launch software (an URL)
4) Launch now option / Exits gracefully.

I see the JRE check is already written:,48

If you could do this let me know. The software that needs this install program is at:


Do you realize that $20 is really a little bit of money if you want someone to write a professional installer for commercial software?

Did I not say that already?

You're technically correct in saying that shareware is "commercial software", but it's hardly "commercial software" in the sense I'm not charging $500+ a copy.

I did not mean to offend. I've had implementations as responses to posts in the past for free. I just don't mind adding a token reward this time.


Joost, I'm curious, how long would that take someone like yourself to build?

The difficult task in this case is the JRE detection and downloading.

To create a really good JRE check, some research about JRE locations and configuration files is necessary. Then, script code has to be created that handles these checks.

A nice dialog would have to be designed to inform the user about the JRE installation status and download options.

And of course the downloading should be handled, include error checks, maybe some download mirrors etc.

When this has finished, the JRE should be installed silently in the background and the return codes or results of the installation should be checked.

And then you still need to test the installer in different situation to make sure it works fine.

Altogether, it will take a few hours, so I think you really can't find someone to do it for just 20 bucks.

The JRE check script in the Nullsoft archive is sufficient for my purposes.

A message stating that the JRE download will be downloaded and internet connection needed (with a browser install from would be fine (it would be the best install anyway). I suppose the install should do a recheck to make sure it was installed. Then shortcut creation is all that's needed.


i think the problem is not the money instead JRE itself or someone who has both and some time. u only have 2 find him... (not me)

since i know nsis i did a lot for others including shareware - 4 nothing.
conclusion now is that i had to suspend work due to some mixes between real and virtual life.
but if someone asks me i wont deny if i can see light at the end of tunnel.

good luck..

to answer your questions:

1) Has user agree to license.
-> that's a default function of NSIS. just include a license-page. there are 3 possibilities to accept or decline the license:
radio-buttons, a checkbox, or simply a "accept"-button instead of "next" (all those possibilities are implemented).

2) Checks for JRE and if not installed, prompts user to install (should auto-install 1.4+ as simply as possible, but download should _NOT_ include the JRE since its too big).
-> this is the realy interesting part. the others already said enough, i think.

3) Creates shortcut(s) to launch software (an URL)
-> realy easy.
a normal with the "CreateShortcut" or an internet shortcut by the "CreateInternetShortcut"-macro from the archive-page (look at my signature).

4) Launch now option / Exits gracefully.
-> available with the modern ui, only few lines of code.
and this function is also very good documented.

i think, u should at least code #1, #3 and #4 yourself.
i'm sure u'll get very good help about #2 here in the forums.