Archive: Dialog APIs

Dialog APIs
  I tried to use it using System.dll, but without success. Its structure is more complex than other ones I saw before:

!define _OPENFILENAME "(i, i, i, t, t, i, i, t, i, t, i, t, t, i, i, i, t, t, t, t, v, i, i) i"

>FindWindow $0 "#32770" "" $HWNDPARENT

System::Call "*${_OPENFILENAME}(400, r0,,,,, 0, 'Test.exe', 256,, 256, 'C:\', 'Open Test',,,,'exe',,,, 0,,) .r0"

>System::Call "Comdlg32::GetOpenFileNameA(t) i(r0) e.r1"
Everytime I try to change it and use "GetLastError" API after, GetLastError returns 71-75.

I really need this, I'm using a ListBox with several sound files to play, and if the user wants to change one of them, he/she needs to click in a button to appear the "Open File" dialog.

I have:

NSIS Latest Development version from today.

(I'm trying the Color Dialogbox, but not sufficient to debug it yet)

Re: Dialog APIs

System::Call "Comdlg32::GetOpenFileNameA(t) i(r0) e.r1"
I've not studied it all, but at first glance this line seems wrong. I think it should be ...GetOpenFileNameA(i)...

Nope, it continues not working...

I've managed to get a working test version.

I think the problem might be that "t" paramaters are only meant for function parameters directly, not structure members. All structure members that point to strings have to be allocated separately.

It's only the most basic example, but hopefully you get the idea.

Name "GetOpenFileName Test"
OutFile GetOpenFileName.exe
SetPluginUnload alwaysoff
System::Alloc ${NSIS_MAX_STRLEN}
Pop $1
System::Call "*(&l4, i$HWNDPARENT, i, i, i, i, i, \
ir1, i${NSIS_MAX_STRLEN}, i, i, i, i, \
i, &i2, &i2, i, i, i, i) i.r0"
System::Call "comdlg32::GetOpenFileNameA(ir0) i.r9"
IntCmp $9 0 failed
System::Call "*$1(&t${NSIS_MAX_STRLEN}.r9)"
MessageBox MB_OK $9
System::Free $0
SetPluginUnload manual
System::Free $1

Great! Thanks eccles!