Archive: Link cursor

Link cursor

This topic isn't so much about NSIS, but how you were able to do something in NSIS.

I was wondering how you got the 'Link/Hand' cursor when selecting a link (see attached picture), more specifically, to get this cursor with the shadow.

I use delphi, and the hand cursor (crHandPoint) is pretty ugly, so I changed it so it looks like the IE hand cursor, but the shadow does not appear.

Would you be able to tell me how to get the proper cursor.



Ok, never mind. I worked out a way to do it.

Thanks anyway :)


could you share? that would be good. i would like to know :D

Ok. This is in Delphi though.

I declared a constant in the implementation of the form:


NIDC_HAND = 32649;

Then in the create of the form I load the cursor and assign it to the components I want to have the cursor on:

procedure TfrmAbout.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
{Load the hand cursor from the system so that we always use the most up to date system hand cursor.}
Screen.Cursors[NIDC_HAND] := LoadCursor(0, IDC_HAND);
lblMailLink.Cursor := NIDC_HAND;
lblWebLink.Cursor := NIDC_HAND;

So there you go :)

- Hannes

Probably you can use System plugin to achieve this on NSIS. But I have to verify and make the code...

(Demand for System plugin codes is increasing this time of year. It gives more work to do for people and more code collections to achieve.)

I'm not sure what you mean by your post deguix. NSIS already uses the right cursor, I was wondering how to get it, and found out, then posted what I did to make it work for my Delphi Project.