Archive: Creating/launching RAS connection?

Creating/launching RAS connection?

It doesn't seem like it has asked before, so here goes: I'd like to extend the ConnectInternet() and NSISDL macro by first checking whether the host has any RAS connection. If not, create one through code, and then call it. Before I dive into the RASAPI32.DLL, did anyone check how to call those API's from a NSIS script?


To call functions from a dll you will need to use the system plugin.


Thanks for the tip, but I was wondering if anyone already had written this for NSIS so I wouldn't have to look into this :-) I'm on my way.

I also thinking about useing System individual RAS entries from within NSIS. would be interesting to know how its going with your pluging.

I tried in a to short ammount of time to make an RASenum Plugin, but right now I still have problems with the return values..


>> would be interesting to know how its going with your pluging.

Sorry, I haven't looked into this yet, but I'd very much like to be able to create/use RAS entries, and have an NSIS script connect to a dial-up server, so that users who don't have access to the Net can still get updates easily through a BBS.

But first, I need to figure out how to call a DLL from NSIS, and then look at some VB code to understand whether RAS32.DLL is the way to go, and if yes, how to call its APIs from NSIS.

I'm not experienced, but I can help somewhere.

With RasEnumConnections API, you can know what connections the host has, using the structure RASCONN.

To connect to a RAS server from a host, use RasDial API using RASDIALEXTENSIONS and RASDIALPARAMS structures, and if you want to a dialog to appear about that, use RasDialDlg API. You can use including with these the callback APIs RasDialFunc or RasDialFunc1 to get messages from the connection.

Use RasGetEntryProperties and/or RasSetEntryProperties APIs to get and/or set the properties of a phonebook entry. They need the structure RASENTRY.

korrect all basic Information we need for that is described in MSDN SDK Dokumentation.

Im sorry but right now im on something complete different. But please post up when you got something new. As I sad, Im willig to help when there ist time again.
