Archive: leave out MUI_FINISHPAGE

Hello *,

Im looking for a solution to leave out the Final Page (MUI_FINISHPAGE) from the Installer. I´ve tried to "SetAutoClose true" in .onInstSuccess Function as well as useing the but that wont work at all.
I think I use the MUI_FINISHPAGE LEAVE macro in a wrong way,
can someone give me a hint how that would work?


You have inserted that page yourself. Do not insert the MUI_PAGE_FINISH macro and it's gone.

no, all I use is:

Page custom choose_product_page
Page license
Page directory
Page components
Page instfiles
but I have included the MUI.nsh of course.
All I want is to close the Installer automaticly when its finished.

thanks for helping,

You are mixing up different things. If you are using the Modern UI you should use the Modern UI settings for the installer interface, see the Modern UI Readme and examples for details.

I see,
Id switched to MUI macros in general, and leave out the MUI_PAGE_FINISH thats basicly all I wanted to do.
Only thing I wonder about is why there is no way to leave that page out when useing the Page commands, but okay I see useing macros is the much proper way to handle the page setup.

You where so right,

If you are using the Modern UI you should use the MUI macros, not the Classic UI Page commands.