Archive: Single exe Problem

Single exe Problem
I'm a bit new to NSIS.
When installing, can NSIS copy files from a folder (in a CD etc.) or extract
files from a compressed file like cab,
without compressing all the files in to a single exe ?

What if my program is about 200MB and I dont wanna build a single exe ?:rolleyes:


Hi !

I don't see exactly what's the problem with building a single exe, even if your files are big (except the compilation time :D).. Well, you probably have good reasons..

So here you go, taken from the documentation chapter "4.9.3 General Purpose Instructions, CopyFiles" :

CopyFiles [/SILENT] [/FILESONLY] filespec_on_destsys destination_path [size_of_files_in_kb]

The docs can be found here: :)

evilO / Olive

Err, sorry I forgot about compressed files :D

There is a useful plugin designed to unzip files there (it doesn't work with cab file though):

evilO / Olive

Sometimes I have encountered problems running the setup after I have copeid a BIG single exe to a CD,
or what if I want to distribute a setup in floppy's or something ? :D

Thanx for your reply man. I'll defenetly check the links and the plug-in.:up:
