Archive: Help with ZipDLL

Help with ZipDLL
  Can any 1 help me with how to make the ZipDLL work ?:(

I have followed the instructions in the readme which came with it. It compiles ok when I put a '!endif' right after the line:

!insertmacro ZIPDLL_EXTRACT "C:\unzipped\ZipDLL\" "c:\output\" "<ALL>"

but it only make a folder named 'output' but dosent extract anyfiles. :rolleyes:

Sample code

;Include Modern UI

!include "MUI.nsh"
!include "ZipDLL.nsh"


;Installer Sections


!insertmacro ZIPDLL_EXTRACT "C:\unzipped\ZipDLL\" "c:\output\" "<ALL>"


Does putting a !endif is the problem here ? without it it dosent compile. Gives a error like:
!if[macro][n]def: open at EOF - need !endif

- wreckles

Hi again ..

Well, I checked your problem and it appears that there is a slight error in the header file : an 'endif' is commented and should not be. That is for the compilation problem. For the rest, well, it looks like your script is missing a couple of instructions..

Please download the fixed header file and try this, it should work... Otherwise let me know :)


;Include Modern UI

>!include "MUI.nsh"
>!include "ZipDLL.nsh"

>OutFile "c:\unzipped\testzipdll.exe" ; <- this was missing


>!insertmacro ZIPDLL_EXTRACT "C:\unzipped\ZipDLL\" "c:\output\" "<ALL>"

SectionEnd ; <- this was missing

Thanx again:) Those parts are missing allright! they are in my script but didnt include them in the post. Sorry about that.;)

I'll try out the new header file and let U know.

Thanx again man :up:

Ahh... It works fine now.:up: The problem is clear to me thanx to you.

I hope it allso works with spanned files...:rolleyes:


DARN! it dosent support spaned zip files:( oh well, hope some 1 will improve that dll.


Those parts are missing allright! they are in my script but didnt include them in the post. Sorry about that
Well don't worry for that I thought you had the instructions in the script but it was just in case... ;)

For the spanned files, I suggest you to read the following threads. There are quite long but the "problem" does not have an immediate solution apparently..



A tool to split files:

Hope you'll find what you need... :)


Thanx again:) I'll check out those forum links and the zip file.

Hope it'll solve my prob. Wonder why NSIS dosent support making a spanned exe. more easily:rolleyes: Most of other setup builders have it.(like Inno Setup) I hope they put this option in the next release. cuz a lot of ppl will benefit from it:up:
well umm... at least me! :D

- wreckles

That Hjsplit.exe is really nice. but it takes a bit more time and space to re join the thing and extract the joined file from the users HDD. It'll work fine with small files but what about large 1's ? :(

I heard that Spanning facility will be available in NSIS 2.1. That'll be really nice :up:


Err, sorry Wreckles I didn't think about huge files... :igor:

Well I hope for you that the release 2.1 will include this feature, but as the version 2.0 was released very recently you'll probably have to find another way to do it...

Good luck :)


Yeah... Looks like I have to wait and see.. But still NSIS is a great software :up:
Thanx for all your help man. Really learned a lot thanx to U. :)

- wreckles