Archive: Move window to corner

Move window to corner
I don't know how to use this function to move the welcome page etc to the corner, I tried in my main default section but no!!

call repositionwindow ; --> reposition install window to corner of screen

Found in the archive -



You should call this function from the GUIINIT function of the installer.


It works fine if I am not using MUI, most especially the macro

!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "English"

I went into C:\Program Files\NSIS\Contrib\Modern UI\Language files and edited the english.nsh file. I commented out the first line, it compiles fine but I have no welcome page!!

It appears .onGUIINIT has been defined somewhere else! and if I include it in my script it tells me already defined

When using MUI you shold not use the .onGUIINIT. This code should work:


Function myGUIInit
...your own code...

Vytautas ;)

Thanks works great!

Pls give me the code to move the window

I use Nsdialog and WANSIS to write custom Page.
And BOTH nsdialogs.nsh and System.nsh define some flag Already, so I rem define in System.nsh.

And when i use repostionWindow, it move part inside Dialog and Border of Dialog is old position (pls see atachment).
How can i handle it?
I think the Function RepositionWindow get wrong HandleWindow

Thank for reading