Archive: installer on silent mode hangs!!

installer on silent mode hangs!!
I have an installer that I run on silent mode with the options /S /D=install_dir

I noticed however that it hangs when run on silent mode. I could pin down the problem to one line:


If I comment this line out my installer does not hang!!

Please note that all the variables are defined correctly in my nsi script...

Thanks for any help.

Maybe you should give more details, and the details if a line doesn't work are the script. Please, attach the script.

Ok, please find it attached. I have commented out the "File" command so anyone can create an installer out of this script to test it.

It worked normally (WinXP Home SP1) (Stoped to run at the end, as it's supposed to do). Did you compile before using the command line?

If you mean by compile creating the .exe out of the .nsi yes I did.

My machine however is a windows 2000. do not know if that makes a difference...

Is there any way it can generate kind of a log file while running silently to at least be able to see where it hangs?

Thanks for your help

You can put a MessageBox command at the end of the Section and you'll know where it stops to run. Or use LogSet command to record all program's "movements" to $INSTDIR\install.log (you can't change where it will put this file, but you can rename or delete it after, $INSTDIR needs to have something).