Archive: Section, SubSection and SectionIn Help Please

Section, SubSection and SectionIn Help Please
Ok heres how it goes so far:

I have a SubSection with 43 Sections located in it. I would like to use the SectionIn Command on the SubSection but it does not work, is there a SubSection equivilent to to the SectionIn command witch i have discovered only works on Sections?

Sorry for all the questions i keep asking but i am not that goo with this stuff :(


no, this won't work.
please say, what u want to do with the section.

ok here is an example of the problem i am having Click Here To See, the aim was to amke it so user may only select one of the options but when u click on the main "boink" box at the top is will invert all the ticks, i need to disable that being possible.

have a look at the "Sections.nsh" headerfile, it contains all u need as macros.
see the readme and the example for further help.