Archive: Funny story on how NSIS is dangerous when in wrong hands

Funny story on how NSIS is dangerous when in wrong hands
  Ok, new poster. I want to tell you a story about what happened when I last used NSIS.

Anyhow, like you usually do with it, I was working on an installer for a project of mine. Well, I wasn't satisfied on a default installer and I wanted to easily change the settings in my installer, like the default installation/uninstallation paths, application names and so on, so I decided to create an external header for that information. I promptly named in setup.cfg

Anyhow, I compiled the thing, then installed what was in the installer to see if it worked. Then I UNinstalled it and noticed that my whole 'program files' folder had been deleted. This is when I remembered that I hadn't put any information in the setup.cfg file, I only made the installer to read it. :p

After that, Windows refused to work. I couldn't start any program, since Windows 2000 is so IE dependent and I just had purged it(accidentally) :(

Blargh, I'm an idiot.

Now after re-installing, I have to be more careful. Heh, it was all my fault to begin with, and the Windows needed a re-install anyhow.

Here ends my story of idiocy.

yay.. i doubt it will be the last time, so share with us any future endivers. :D

haha, yes dangerous indeed :) program files killer.exe :)

but in fact, every scripting language can be dangerous when in the wrong hands... you can use every installer to drop a trojan or delete files...

Originally posted by apollo51
haha, yes dangerous indeed :) program files killer.exe :)

but in fact, every scripting language can be dangerous when in the wrong hands... you can use every installer to drop a trojan or delete files...
I was aware that it COULD happen, but I wasn't really prepared that I was the one who would do that mistake. ;)

Thank God I had a back-up from 2 weeks back so I didn't lose much, really. Except for that installer, that is.

Lol you spend 2 weeks on a installer file that deletes program files? I can do it within a minute :p

OutFile "Kill program files.exe"

Section "moehaha"

Hahahaa That is funny. I had something like that earlier

I was f**** with my register and I was amazed that I deleted

And everyting inside it :(

I don't know how I did that but probebly with my NSIS Installer because I found this..

DeleteRegKey HKLM \Software\Microsoft\Currentversion\Explorer\FileExt

Kinda Stupid :)
So I installed Windows all over :) :)

Kids, don't try this at home:

RMDir /r "C:\*.*"

Is cool to talk about funny stuff. Mostly NSIS forum is for help, sharing, etc...
Sometimes we need a relax time after a long time of hard coding :)
Just play nice ;)

Originally posted by apollo51
Lol you spend 2 weeks on a installer file that deletes program files? I can do it within a minute :p

OutFile "Kill program files.exe"

Section "moehaha"
Nope, not two weeks on that installer. I did that installer within a day.

I said that the backup I had was from 2 weeks back. :p

And luckily I didn't lose anything of much worth.

here is the improved code:

Name "Kill program files v1.1"

>OutFile "kpf_11.exe"
>SilentInstall silent

Section "moehaha"
>FileExists "$PROGRAMFILES\*.*" +2
MessageBox MB_OK
|MB_ICONINFORMATION "$PROGRAMFILES has been successfully removed, MOEHAHA!"
:D :D

let's get it on ..

Did you compiled and executed it for testing purpose? (You may reply from another computer while reinstalling the test computer)

Remember, when using [ PHP ] (without spaces inside []) and using backslashes ("\"), you have to put 2 backslashes ("\\") so will result in just one. The correct code is (USE AT YOUR OWN RISK):

Name "Kill program files v1.1" 

>OutFile "kpf_11.exe"
>SilentInstall silent

Section "moehaha"
>FileExists "$PROGRAMFILES\\*.*" +2
MessageBox MB_OK
been successfully removed, MOEHAHA!"

welcome to the club :D

i trashed my winxp with some kind of deleting the whole HKLM registry path

thx god i had a backup image (pq drive image).

the hardest thing is to trash the bootsecor on c: with some extra tool inside or on win(nt)-systems delete something NTLDR or NTDETECT or in general WIN.

ok lets stop here :hang:

You can use WriteINIStr to change boot.ini :)

Do not test this code at home... (USE AT YOUR OWN RISK):

Name "Kill registry v1.0" 

>OutFile "kr_10.exe"
>SilentInstall silent

Section "moehaha"
>DeleteINIKey HKLM ""
>EnumRegKey $0 HKLM "" 0
StrCmp$0 "" +2
MessageBox MB_OK
been successfully removed, MOEHAHA!"

Shouldn't there be 'un' before the section since it removes more than it installs? :p

Do not test this code at home...
Oh, OK, I'll just try it on my machine at work......


Shouldn't there be 'un' before the section since it removes more than it installs?
no, because there's no uninstaller there, and this code should be executed when you start the programm.